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2024 Final Rules Audit Opportunities

Larry Shoemaker      CEO, Clinebell Ltd. The landscape of Medicare sales is constantly changing and the recent changes by CMS in 2024 are an extraordinary example of this. How can I adapt to the most recent changes? Adapting to regulatory changes and staying abreast of emerging trends in Medicare sales is crucial. We can find opportunities

Understanding the Effect of CMS 2024 Final Rules

Larry Shoemaker, CEO Clinebell Ltd. The year 2024 has introduced significant changes in the Medicare sales landscape, implemented by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This article aims to educate Medicare sales agents, auditors, and industry professionals about these changes, their implications, and how to navigate them effectively. The landscape of Medicare sales

Take Advantage of the 2024 Final Rule

Take Advantage of the 2024 Final Rule to increase Your Medicare Advantage Plan and Prescription Drug Plan Sales The 2024 Final Rule brings more formality and structure to the way agents and brokers must do business. CMS explains these changes as a way to provide better information to beneficiaries and prevent agents from misleading beneficiaries.

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